Hi there! As we get this business rolling, we know there will be lots of questions. Here’s our attempt to answer what we’ve been asked thus far. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please contact us.

What are your plans for The Todd Mercantile?

We want to reinvigorate the Todd community by offering a comfortable local space to hang out, pick up some convenient grocery items, grab a tasty snack to go, enjoy a friendly chat with neighbors, and hear a good tall tale or some quality porch pickin’. Both of us have fond memories of live music on the porch of the Todd General Store and dances upstairs in the Mercantile. When we first met, we bonded over our love for the New River and the quiet, natural grace of its winding through the mountains, and that is a love and appreciation that we want to give back to the place we call home and share with our daughter as she grows up.

When can we find you at The Todd Mercantile?

We are living the dream of a lifetime (a gift we couldn’t haven’t imagined possible before Emilie decided to sell The Mercantile), but, like most dreams, it’s costly, and we’re not wealthy 🙂 Therefore, at least as we get rolling, we’re balancing this dream with the reality of the two full-time jobs that are helping us pay for it. That means that we have limited hours (currently: Thurs., Fri., & Sat. 9-6 and Sun. 9-2). As we grow, we intend to be open 7 days a week, year round (hopefully starting in 2024).